IE Student Clubs - Tech & Innovation
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Tomás Valenzuela Dellafiori, Email group officers
Mission Financial Technology (‘FinTech’) is taking the world by storm and was even discussed by the World Economic forum in Davos. Fintech includes mobile payments, digital wallets, crowdfunding, Bitcion, social trading and all other technologies specifically disruption the financial services industry. FinTech club is to bring together people who are enthusiastic about changing the financial services landscape using disruptive business models and technologies. The club will aim to promote and create awareness of opportunities in FinTech across IE family, and how people from disparate backgrounds can be part of the FinTech wave.
Membership Benefits? Once a month meetup to explore different topics in FinTech – meetups to be chaired by either an internal student/professor or by an industry personal? One big event every 6 months bringing in speakers from industry – most likely in August/September and again in March/April? Help like-minded people connect with projects for the startup lab or Venture Lab? Arrange a trip to the Web Summit Conference in Lisbon on 7-10 November 2016
IE FinTech Club has a total of 255 points.
Parent group: IE Technology Clubs
Lifetime membership