100 Days of Diversity: The Beauty in the Blend

Become part of our vibrant community.


Diversity is the word on everyone’s lips. But what exactly does it mean?

1. It refers to our heritage, sexual orientation and gender.

2. It’s about our education, hobbies and skills.

3. It’s defined by our thought patterns, ideas and perspectives.

Guess what? All three are correct!

Why? Because our identities are spread across three levels of diversity. Dimension 1 is known as demographic diversity. Dimension 2 refers to experiential diversity, which is based on our life stories and circumstances. Dimension 3 is cognitive diversity—it's our vision of the world around us and a reflection of our unique mindset.

And at IE University, diversity is our driving force. Not only is it one of our key principles, but this year's sustainability challenge is Accessibility, Inclusion and Belonging.

With that in mind, we’re dedicating three months to diversity, from February through April. Come and join us for a multitude of activities, conferences and initiatives that honor black history, champion gender equality, and give voice to other groups in our society. Each initiative will be related to one or more diversity dimensions, and we'll gather at the Global Village Segovia in April to celebrate our differences, together.

What are you waiting for? Sign up and pitch in now!


100 Days of Diversity: The Beauty in the Blend

Calle María de Molina, 11
Madrid 28006