IE Women & Allies


Promoting Gender Equality

Join us!


    Consult the guide to learn about different ways to help yourself or someone you know that has experienced any type of violence.

    If someone tells you they were sexually assaulted or are in a toxic relationship, remember that you might be the first person they have told. Your response helps determine whether they feel safe and supported telling others or seeking additional help.

About Us

The Women & Allies Office is a community that promotes inclusivity, diversity and empowerment between all members of the IE Community.

It is the result of the alliance between IE University and the Castilla y León Government, which allows us to achieve our objectives.

Soraya Polanco Palomar

IE Women & Allies Office Coordinator

Promoting Gender Equality and preventing  Gender Based Violence is at the core and the main objective of our Office.

Aitana Saettone Eliasbonnemaison

IE Women Chairperson

I was born in Peru and lived most of my life in Lima, its capital, and now I study PPLE at IE University on the Madrid campus. I chose to study PPLE because I believe that you have to understand humanity in depth in order to contribute to solving its problems. It is this same motivation that drove me to get involved in the Gender Equality Office—I want to work towards justice that transcends gender!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at!

María Carlota Peña

Communications Officer

I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic. I graduated from Comunidad Educativa Lux Mundi in 2020 and took a gap year where I did two internships and advertising through my social media. I'm currently enrolled as a Communications & Digital Media student at IE University. I consider myself as an extrovert, creative and curious person and I am looking forward to exploiting those qualities by hand with the university as a student and as part of the Gender Equality Office.

Alexa Couttolenc Gutierrez

Head Content Developer

I am French and Mexican. I was born in Mexico before moving to France, and then finally to Madrid. I chose to study PPLE because I am a very curious and always interested in learning something different and new. I also think I’m very optimistic and passionate, which is is why I want to fight for my convictions, and contribute creating the world that I want to live in, and I believe that there was no better way to start than by joining the Gender Equality Office.

Laura Luisa de Remedios

Head Writer/Public Relations

I am Spanish-American, and after completing my International Baccalaureate in Bath (UK), I now study PPLE at IE University, to develop a holistic perspective of the world both professionally and intellectually. I have partaken in a summer internship at the burgeoning news media The Objective, and currently work as an assistant manager for a fashion E-Commerce, in conjunction with writing articles for IE Stork. Reading, music, and art are some of my main interests, as well as cultures and languages, being a native speaker of English and Spanish, fluent in French, obtaining my HSK 4 level in Mandarin! The Gender Equality Office has not only improved my organizational skills but has also allowed me to explore the depths of feminism! Driven by curiosity, I find lessons in every experience and will always take on a challenge!

Victoria Camila Volman

Head Implementation

I grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but I have also lived in Atlanta (U.S.) and in Köln (Germany). I couldn’t make the decision of what degree to study, so that’s why I picked the Dual PPLE-BDBA in Segovia. The good news is that I am extremely passionate about what I do (I do not regret the decision one bit!). Being part of the Gender Equality Office has been an amazing journey so far, and it has only started. I hope you dare to come aboard!

Valentina Marcos Llamas

Head Web Designer/Purple Corner Manager

Hey everyone! My name is Valentina and I was born and raised in Mexico City. In high school, I studied abroad in Canada for a year and later on finished my studies in Mérida, Yucatán. I have dual citizenship, Spanish and Mexican, and I am currently enrolled in the BIR program at the Tower. Overall, I consider myself an outgoing, resourceful and creative individual always willing to show strangers a friendly face! I’m proud to announce that this summer I did an internship with the IE Social Lab helping a local organization with their Business Plan and their social media marketing. Additionally, I decided to get involved in the GEO not only because I aspire to become an international advocate for Human Rights, but also, because I believe in creating a safe environment for all of us during our time at university.

Follow us on Instagram: @iewomenallies







